dimanche 4 avril 2010
chess knight problem
Hello amateurs of elementary math, have you ever heard about chess knight problem?
Here it is:
One should find route of a knight starting from a fixed chess board (8x8) cell, passing every cell once and only once and
at the end, passed by every cell of the chess board.
I put in my blog the simplest solution. If we have in mind a cyclical route, that is, from 64th step the knight goes on 1st,
the solution for any cell of the board is given by simple going by circle.
Look, this is a fortran code realising this algorithm (23 lines):
program chess
integer X(8,8),Y(8,8)
integer k,l
data X/40,7,32,51,56,49,30,45,33,52,41,48,31,46,57,60,8,39,6,55,50
1 write(*,*)'Enter origin knight coordinates (column row):'
if (k.ge.1.and.k.le.8.and.l.ge.1.and.l.le.8) goto 2
write(*,*)'Input error. Repeat last enter'
goto 1
2 continue
do 3,i=1,8
do 3,j=1,8
if (X(j,i).lt.X(k,l)) then
3 continue
write(*,4) ((Y(j,i),j=1,8),i=1,8)
4 format(//,8(2X,I2))
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