vendredi 11 mai 2012

The Rubic's cube: parity cases study

 The 4x4x4 cube has an exciting feature so-called 'parity' caused by possibility of dynamically changing facets location. In that type of the cube one can put each facet's center in an arbitrary position. That can be done for any even type of the Rubic's cube: 4x4x4, 6x6x6, 8x8x8 etc. By definition, a 'parity' is a situation when the cube being passed to 3x3x3 configuration, i.e. four internal elements forming the centers are in their right positions and all edge elements are doubled, cannot be solved as 3x3x3 cube thereafter. One of such parity cases is shown in the last photo of the post 'Again about the cube Rubic' by 08.04.2010. This parity is not the only one: there is a second, shown in the first photo. A proof that they are different is simple: the second type keeps right edge elements orientation whereas the first does not.
From the other hand, the second parity's type is also expressed by the three angle elements dislocation (second photo).
 One can easily transform it to the edge parity case by methods mentioned e.g. here:

What is the nature of the 4x4x4 cube's parity?
Well, whereas 3x3x3 cube possesses 9 degrees of freedom (DF), 4x4x4 one has 12. Additional 3 DFs let making inversion of the edge elements as shown in the third photo. Knowing the mechanism that forms these combinations we may conclude - there are two and only two types of the 4x4x4 cube's parity - all other combinations of the edge elements dislocation either lead to an ordinary cube's state meaning that no parity at all or lead to the known 2 situations shown above.

I thank my colleague Rafael Lago for the cube's combinations discussion and agreeably passed time around table tennis matches.

P.S. Recently we discussed with Rafael a topic that might be titled as 'Double parity means no parity?'. Indeed, if we double the first or the second cube's parity situation does it mean that we come to a proper cube's state? Well, we experimentally checked that this is truth.

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